The land cover and land use classifications of the MapBiomas Venezuela Collections. are based on mosaics generated from Landsat images. For each of the years evaluated (1985-2023), a specific mosaic was produced.

Each mosaic is produced by the spatial integration of the different Landsat scenes selected for each year. This integration is done through the calculation of metrics that describe the behavior of each pixel in the year, such as median values, minimum, maximum, amplitude of variation, among others. Additionally, for each annual mosaic, spectral indices and fractions are calculated. Each of these metrics and indices is stored in the mosaic as a layer or band. Therefore, the information stored in the mosaics is richer and more descriptive than the original spectral bands of the satellite images.

You can access the annual mosaics by state from the MapBiomas Venezuela Collection 2 directly in Google Earth Engine using the following script:

Note: To run the script you must have a (free) Google Earth Engine account.